Cashmere Blankets

Our ultra-luxurious cashmere blanket provides an experience with the epitome of cosiness that only cashmere can render. The natural fibres are procured from the high-land goats (Capra hircus laniger) of the Changthang valley in Ladakh at 15,800 feet above sea level. Our Cashmere goats are free-range and graze on the most natural organic vegetation of the Himalayan mountains. Traditionally, Cashmere fabric is entirely made of the natural fibres of the cashmere goats’ undercoat. These fibres are ultrafine (between 14 and 15 microns in diameter) and incredibly soft and long. The wool is manually spun into yarn and goes onto the loom, with the weaving process for one blanket taking approximately 21-28 days. The natural colours are maintained, mainly off-white, ivory or natural beige colours. Meticulously crafted with attention to detail, our cashmere blanket showcases exceptional quality and durability, ensuring it remains a treasured piece for years to come.

By choosing us, you consciously support our efforts to help the Changpa tribe, weaving community, and the natural rearing of cashmere goats thrive sustainably.